Friday, January 21, 2022

Gun Groups Readying For Renewed Gun Rights Attacks By Biden

While it is good that much of Biden's and the Democrats' agenda has been shot down in flames, it also raises the specter of renewed attacks on our Second Amendment rights.

Gun rights groups are getting ready for battle, should it come.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The nation’s Second Amendment rights groups are readying for a new attack by longtime gun control advocate President Joe Biden now that the key elements of his domestic agenda have been shelved in a series of Senate rejections. 

The gun-making industry and advocacy groups were put on warning last week when Biden slipped in anti-gun comments in his impromptu statement on the Texas synagogue hostage situation. The suspect, who was killed by police, was seen with a gun that he apparently purchased illegally.

Biden said that FBI background checks do not stop illegal purchases and indicated that the answer is to take guns away and off streets.

“You can’t stop something like this if someone is on the street buying something from somebody else on the street. Except that there’s too — there’s so many guns that have been sold of late; it’s just ridiculous,” Biden said.

“And it’s because of the failure of us to focus as hard as we should and as consistent as we should on gun purchases, gun sales, ghost guns, and a whole range of things that I’m trying to do,” he added.

While gun purchases remain at near-record levels, many are being made by first-time buyers, especially women and minorities concerned about their safety, according to gun stores.

And many states are rewarding that by relaxing rules on carrying weapons, with several approving the easing of concealed carry laws.

With this being an election year, it is tantamount to suicide for Democrats to attack our Second Amendment rights. But since they're insane, this probably won't hold them back

To read more, go here

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