Sunday, January 30, 2022

NMSSA Gun Legislative Alert


On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear HB9, the firearm owner liability bill. The bill creates criminal penalties for a gun owner if their firearm is accessed by a minor without the gun owners permission. Besides being unnecessary, as an adult can already be charged with a crime if they place a minor in a harmful situation through New Mexico's child endangerment laws, the bill would make it easy to target gun owners through civil fines. In the bill, a petition for a civil fine of $1,000 can be brought against an offending gun owner by anyone who is the parent or guardian of a minor. The committee meeting is scheduled to start at 1:30pm, the bill is the last on the agenda for the day. Here is the link to testify before the committee. 

Today, HB68 was heard before the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. It is an "omnibus" crime bill with multiple proposed changes to New Mexico Criminal Law. Today, the bill was amended to remove the proposed changes to firearm possession in "school zones." This is a positive change we had lobbied for. There are still some parts of the bill where we would like to see changes made, but the school zone language was our primary concern. The bill passed the committee 3-2 and now heads to House Judiciary Committee.

We are closely tracking HB156, the proposed ban on firearm magazines that hold more than 15 rounds. We will send an alert as soon as we have any details on when the bill may be heard. It is currently in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. Below is the contact information for both the House Judiciary Committee and the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. Additionally, here is a form email we developed with our partners at Better Together NM you can use to email your representatives to ask them to oppose HB9 and HB156.

House Judiciary Committee, they will hear HB9 on Monday. We are OPPOSED to the bill.

Representative Gail Chasey - (D) (505) 986-4411

Representative Micaela Lara Cadena - (D) (505) 986-4210

Representative Eliseo Lee Alcon - (D) (505) 986-4416

Representative Christine Chandler - (D) (505) 986-4420

Representative Zachary J. Cook - (R) (505) 986-4221

Representative Brian Egolf - (D) (505) 986-4782

Representative Daymon Ely - (D) (505) 986-4243

Representative Georgene Louis - (D) (505) 986-4329

Representative Matthew McQueen - (D) (505) 986-4423

Representative Greg Nibert - (R) (505) 986-4211

Representative William "Bill" R. Rehm - (R) (505) 986-4214

Representative James G. Townsend - (R) (505) 986-4758 

House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, this is where HB156 currently is. We are OPPOSED to the bill.

Joanne Ferrary (D) (505) 986-4844

Andrea Romero (D) (505) 986-4243

Liz Thompson (D) (505) 986-4425

Stefani Lord (R) (505) 986-4453

Randall Pettigrew (R) (505) 986-4467


  1. What you guys are doing is not right you're not even bringing it up to let the American people of New Mexico know what's really going on there I'll this bill all I see is infringements we the people don't accept you guys are supposed to work for us but then you guys are doing is taking away law abiding citizens rights this is why I'll never support the people like this and I'll work hard on trying to vote you out of office I am bringing it aware as much as I can to our citizens and let him know that this is all wrong New Mexico is always been a free state not since Democrats have taken over now it's just tyranny

  2. All you're doing is infringing on Americans that have done nothing wrong you guys should put this effort on people that are starting to bully kids because this is kids that are getting tired of being bullied so they try to find a way to take care of their problem and they do it any means necessary you guys should take the necessary procedures in the closely into the kids that are being bullied and if there's kids bullying other kids those are the kids that should be kicked out of school snip the problem in the book before it happens and if you feel there's something wrong you should be able to go ask the kid how he's feeling and sit down and have a discussion not taking away our rights for something we didn't do

  3. Please stop the infringements
