Sunday, January 30, 2022

POTUS Is the One Behind Skyrocketing Meat Prices

Above, cattle ranchers aren't to blame for high prices of steaks, Joe Biden is. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since my heart episode three and a half years ago, I have drastically cut back on red meats, i.e., beef. I think I've only had one steak last year. 

Maybe it's just as well, from my standpoint anyway, since beef prices have skyrocketed over the past year. His Fraudulency Joe Biden blames this on a "lack of competition" of meat packers.

The Western Journal has an interesting article on how a rancher and economists exposed Biden as the cause.

Some snippets:

Under the first year of Biden’s administration, Americans have been paying much more for steak dinners, fried chicken and other American culinary staples. Why? Because, according to CNBC, meat prices have risen drastically over the past year, with chicken prices up 8.8 percent, pork prices up 14 percent and beef prices up a whopping 20 percent.

In order to combat these rising prices, on Jan. 3 the Biden administration announced an aggressive $1 billion plan to tackle the issue. The plan seems to place the blame for high prices on big business and the failures of free-market capitalism.

A number of economists, experts and even one rancher currently serving in Congress disagree with this assessment, however. In their view, the blame for higher meat prices can be placed squarely on the shoulders of Biden’s government.

Suggesting a lack of competition has caused rising prices is ridiculous, in one economist’s view, considering that the current level of competition has existed for decades.

James Mitchell, the assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Arkansas — spoke with CNN Business regarding the issue and Biden’s proposed solution.

Mitchell explained that the real causes for the price hikes are labor shortages, supply chain issues and costly regulations, all of which have become trademarks under the Biden administration.

To read the full article, go here.

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