Monday, January 17, 2022

Northridge Earthquake - 28 Years Ago

Above, Balboa near Rinaldi - Gas line explosions the morning
 of the Northridge earthquake, January 17, 1994. I lived about
 two-three miles from it. Photo from the Valley Relics Museum.

It is amazing that 28 years have passed since the Northridge Earthquake in the San Fernando Valley.

I was living in North Hills at the time and my bed shook and jumped around like Linda Blairs's did in The Exorcist.

I had some personal property damage, but FEMA took care of it. 

One good thing about the aftermath, I was able to get adjusting work on a catastrophe team for 20th Century Insurance. I later learned that the claims put the company out of business. But that wasn't exactly the case. They pulled out of the homeowners insurance market and later was bought by Farmers Insurance from AIG Insurance. They only offer auto insurance today.

One interesting thing, after the quake, the power citywide was totally out and we were able to see a sky full of stars without any light pollution to obscure them.

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