Monday, January 17, 2022

Western General Insurance Co. In Liquidation

Well, this couldn't have happened to a better company.

Western General Insurance Company has been placed into liquidation by the California Superior Court. It really doesn't come as a surprise to me as I worked there back in 2002 to 2004. It was a Mickey Mouse operation from the get-go and they worked its employees to death with their procedures and by tyrannical managers who ran the company's departments into the ground. It became a hell-hole run by assholes.

According to the Conservation & Liquidation Office of the Department of Insurance:

On August 5, 2021 the Insurance Commissioner was appointed Liquidator of Western General Insurance Company ("WGIC") by the California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles. After months of effort to seek a buyer for the company or its book of business with no acceptable proposal received to date, the Commissioner deemed the company to be operating in a hazardous financial condition and sought statutory protection of WGIC through a consensual liquidation of the company.

 To read more, go here.

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