Monday, July 4, 2022

Classic Rock Music Monday

The stuff that now passes as "music", particularly rock 'n roll, leaves me cold. So, to start off the week, here's a video of a classic rock artist.

Today, we have Creedence Clearwater Revival and their 1969 hit, "Born On The Bayou". 

According to Wikipedia:

Creedence Clearwater Revival, also referred to as Creedence and CCR, was an American rock band formed in El Cerrito, California. The band initially consisted of lead vocalist, lead guitarist, and primary songwriter John Fogerty; his brother, rhythm guitarist Tom Fogerty; bassist Stu Cook; and drummer Doug Clifford

Back in the 1990s, while I was in-between insurance jobs, I was working as an armed patrol officer and had to respond to burglar alarms. One call I received was at John Fogerty's residence in a gated community off Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles. I and another officer found an unlocked entry door, so we had to enter to check the residence. We found no problems. But I was impressed with this office/music room.

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