Monday, July 4, 2022

Copenhagen Mall Shooting

Above, outside of the mall following the shooting. Screen capture by Armand Vaquer.

Proving once again that mass shootings aren't just a phenomena of the United States, a shooter yesterday opened fire and killed three and wounded several others. Oslo, Norway recently had a mass shooting on June 25 by an Islamic terrorist.

According to Fox News:

Authorities say the shooting incident in Denmark, where a gunman opened fire at a busy shopping mall in Copenhagen, leaving three people dead and at least three others injured was not terror-related.

The gunman likely acted alone and fired indiscriminately at random shoppers, Danish Police said Monday, the day after the shooting.

Copenhagen chief police inspector Søren Thomassen said the deceased victims included one Russian and two Danish citizens. The victims included a man in his 40s and two "young people," he said.

Thomassen said the suspect, identified only as a 22-year-old Danish man, was arrested at the scene and that the incident was not an act of terrorism. 

Since Asya is in Copenhagen, I checked with her to see if she was okay since one of the deceased was a Russian. She replied that she is in the countryside and thanked me for checking.

To read the full article, go here.

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