Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Conservative Momma Reenacts Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony

It is funny how some people can be immediately parodied to perfection within hours. When one's testimony is so full of crap, it is easy to do.

This is the case of Conservative Momma's reenactment of Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony before the sham January 6 committee. 

Above, Cassidy Hutchinson.

From the Gateway Pundit:

On Tuesday, Liz Cheney and the sham Jan. 6 committee brought in Mark Meadows former junior staffer Cassidy Hutchinson as a “surprise witness.”

Democrats and their media lackeys billed this as an explosive development in their quest to get President Donald Trump.

Democrats, the FBI, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and Liz Cheney all believe Donald Trump and his supporters must be punished and ruined for trying to save this country from their failed policies and tyrannical ambitions.

Young Cassidy sat for testimony and proceeded to told at least nine major lies while under oath before the committee.

Go to the Gateway Pundit to see Conservative Momma's reenactment of Hutchinson's testimony by going here

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