Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Home During The 4th

Above, in Six Mile Canyon yesterday. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

As things yesterday turned out, I ended up staying home. 

We got some rain yesterday afternoon. I don't know if it rained or not during the evening or during the night (I wouldn't be surprised if it did), but I didn't feel like venturing out. So I ended up enjoying the quiet neighborhood and went to bed at around 9:15. 

I must've fallen asleep right away because I didn't hear a thing, so I am assuming nobody around my area shot off fireworks. 

Last year was different. I was at Martin Link's and the view from his hilltop backyard were great for viewing fireworks all over Gallup. It was so clear last year that we were able to see fireworks from Window Rock, Arizona. Last night was decidedly cloudy. It was also warmer last year. It was jacket weather last night.

Still, I enjoyed my Independence Day as I drove the Jeep into Six Mile Canyon.  

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