Sunday, August 21, 2022

Almost Stuck In The Mud

After visiting and photographing the longhorn cattle at Mesa Ridge Ranch, I headed down to Six Mile Canyon Road. I figured I'd take a drive into Six Mile Canyon in the Cibola National Forest.

The drive along Six Mile Canyon was colorful as sunflowers were blooming on both sides of the road.

Above, sunflowers along Six Mile Canyon Road. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

All was going well until I reached the big drainage culvert just before the road bends south. There, in the culvert, was mud that was several inches deep. It had to have been at least six inches deep. I drove in and nearly got stuck. But, made it to a dry spot. Further on, the mud looked even deeper.

I decided to turn around and head back. But, the Jeep wouldn't move. It was in 2-wheel (rear) drive. Seeing that this was unproductive, I put the Jeep into 4-wheel-drive and, after a bit of effort and mud flying around, I eventually got it out of the culvert.

I knew that I had a chore ahead of me to clean the mud off the Jeep. As soon as I got home, I did so.

Some photos of the muddy Jeep before cleaning:

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