Thursday, August 18, 2022

G-TOUR 4 Cancelled

Above, the Great Buddha of Kamakura visited by the first G-TOUR. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

With Japan's restrictions/rules on foreign tourists, it is no surprise that G-TOUR 4 to Japan set for this autumn has been cancelled. 

According to the official G-TOUR website:

We are very sad to announce that this fall’s G-TOUR 4 has been cancelled. Japan’s anti-COVID restrictions on foreign tourists simply won’t allow all the fun, experiences, and opportunities we intended to provide. Thanks to all who signed up, and very sorry for your disappointment.

I have to wonder if Japan enjoys shooting itself in the foot. Despite past and current actions by the Japanese government in combating COVID-19, citizens are still getting infected, although by less lethal variants. The exchange rate of the yen against the dollar and other currencies would be a boon to their economy and foreigners would benefit in getting more yen for their buck. But, they are still being rigid in their approach.

Maybe G-TOUR 4 can be re-scheduled for next year. Only time will tell.

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