Thursday, August 18, 2022

RV Microwave Cleaning Tricks

One of the things that I really don't like doing, but I do it anyway, is to clean the RV's microwave oven.

But there's a couple of ways of making that task easier and it doesn't require any scrubbing. These involve two tricks that Do It Yourself RV posted. 

Since I have lemon juice in the refrigerator, I'll give one of the tricks a try at home.

They begin with:

Cleaning the RV microwave is one of those chores that tends to get put on hold. This is especially true when we’re traveling or camping in our RVs. It’s just so easy to remove something from the microwave and quickly close the door. We may tell ourselves that we’ll clean the microwave right after we consume whatever it is that we heated up. But the reality is that the microwave’s interior often gets completely forgotten about as we get busy with life. 

Of course, this only lasts until the next time we open the microwave to heat something up or cook a meal. By then, the interior of the microwave can be a crusty mess of stains and stuck-on food. Gross. Luckily for you, in this article, we’ll let you in on a microwave cleaning trick that will make cleaning the microwave a breeze, wherever you happen to be.  

To read the full article, go here

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