Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Japan Moving To Allow Individual Foreign Tourists

Above, actress Shelley Sweeney and yours truly at a Tokyo Starbucks in 2006.

The Japanese government is moving toward allowing individual foreign tourists into the country without having to be a part of a group tour.

NHK World reported that this plan is likely to start in September.

They wrote:

The Japanese government is moving to start accepting overseas tourists who do not want to take guided tours in a bid to address a decline in the numbers of foreign travelers visiting Japan.

The country reopened to foreign holidaymakers in June with the easing of anti-coronavirus border controls. But all tourists are still required to join guided tours and obtain a visa.

The tourists also have to comply with anti-infection measures, such as wearing masks, set under guidelines by the Japanese government.

The government's decision to further ease anti-coronavirus border controls came as the number of foreign tourists entering Japan stood at about 7,900 in July, well below pre-pandemic levels.

There is a catch in the plan:

But the government will continue to deny entry to individual travelers who don't make arrangements through travel agencies.

Sorry, but this isn't good enough, at least for me.

To read more, go here.

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