Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Survey: 72% Say Border Controls Keeping Them From Visiting Japan

Above, the Saikai Bridge near Sasebo, Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan's current policy of only allowing group tours along with strict rules are not inviting to potential overseas tourists. At least not inviting enough to get them to come to Japan according to a July survey.

The Mainichi reported:

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A survey released Tuesday by a Tokyo-based company that encourages tourism to Japan showed that 72 percent of respondents will not, or will probably not, visit the country if it continues with its current entry controls.

The D2C X Inc. survey also showed 91 percent of the 1,717 overseas respondents found the entry controls, which include COVID-19 testing within 72 hours of departure to Japan, too strict or rather strict, illustrating how the country's pandemic border measures have deterred visits from overseas.

The online survey, conducted in early July, was answered by people from across 52 countries and territories.

To read more, go here

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