Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Japan's War On The Floppy Disk

Floppy disk. That is a name I haven't heard or thought of in ages. I disposed of mine long ago and use CDs instead.

It is the digital equivalent of 8-track tapes these days.

Apparently in Japan, floppies are still used in some government areas. Their digital minister (is that really an official job or ministry?) has declared "war" on them. 

According to The Japan Times:

Japan’s digital minister, who’s vowed to rid the bureaucracy of outdated tools from the hanko stamp to the fax machine, has now declared “war” on a technology many haven’t seen for decades — the floppy disk.

The hand-sized, square-shaped data storage item, along with similar devices including the CD or even lesser-known mini disk, are still required for some 1,900 government procedures and must go, digital minister Taro Kono wrote in a Twitter post Wednesday.

“We will be reviewing these practices swiftly,” Kono said in a news conference Tuesday, adding that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has offered his full support. “Where does one even buy a floppy disk these days?”

Who in the U.S. even uses them anymore?

To read more, go here.

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