Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Visiting At Denny's

Above, Michelle in Silverton. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I woke up this morning, I found that I had about a cup and a half of coffee left in the coffeepot. And, on top of that, I forgot to get a gallon of water at the Flying J yesterday.

So, I headed over to the Flying J at 3:30 to get some water.

But, before getting the water, I detoured over to Denny's since Michelle was on duty there. I hadn't seen her since we ended up on the same train and the same car of the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad earlier this month.

As soon as I walked in, she greeted me with, "Hi, handsome!" (Nice ego-builder, eh?)

I then ordered some coffee and, in-between her duties, we visited and "shot the bull" about our encounter in Durango. We both had the same reaction of "it couldn't be" when we spotted each other on the train. 

I told her about her being in the background of a photo I took of Jessica after we arrived in Silverton and showed it to her. I said before showing the photo (a blow-up of her) that she looked serious. She laughed and said it was probably from getting mad at her husband over something.

We had a good chat about the road work near her home in nearby Coolidge and other subjects. She said her husband works in construction doing drywalling. I told her that friends in Jamestown may have need of some drywall work due to a pipe leak and will let them know. 

So, after about an hour and a half at Denny's I went and got the water and headed home. It was a nice start to today.

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