Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Buying Silver

After reading Gary Julian's blog post* on coins this morning, I went over to my favorite coin dealer website to see what they have available of my favorite coin, the Morgan silver dollar.

They didn't have much, but one coin advertised did catch my attention: a Canadian 1 oz. Silver Maple Leaf five dollar coin.

Here's what it looks like:


As Mr. Julian wrote, "Having a portion of your wealth in "hard assets" is important. The mix of assets can include real estate, land for farming, silver and gold."

Silver is much more affordable than gold, so that's why I buy silver coins. The price was right and I bought one (they limited purchases of this coin to one per customer). 

*The Federalist blog.

1 comment:

  1. Silver is cheap. Today about $20 a troy ounce coin. In a collapse of the dollar it could be traded for goods and services. Will there be a collapse? Don't know but countless TRILLIONS with a T are being printed worldwide. This is new ground we have never seen before.
