Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Gun Store Purchases: Just Use Cash

Above, an Albuquerque gun store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Democrats are a huge collection of sneaky bastards who would love to create a gun registry for the ultimate aim of gun confiscation.

The latest is the move by the International Standards Organization, who sets rules on Visa and other credit card companies. Under Democrat pressure, the plan is to introduce a special purchase code for gun store sales. Through the back door, this is nothing less than creating a special registry of gun sales.

The code doesn't differentiate between purchases of guns, gun cleaning products or anything else. Anything purchased at a gun store gets the code when bought with a credit card.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is fighting it.

From CBS News:

The National Rifle Association is slamming the credit card industry's new effort to track gun purchases, describing the plan as "creating a national registry of gun owners."

The NRA is pushing back against decision on Friday from the International Standards Organization (ISO), which sets rules across the financial services industry, to create a new merchant category code for gun and ammunition retailers. ISO's decision comes after mounting pressure on credit card companies by Democrats in Congress who favor use of such a code. 

Merchant category codes are four-digit codes that describe the retailer where a purchase is made, without detailing the specific item bought. These codes allow credit-card issuers to track and restrict purchases — for instance, offering rewards credit cards that give bonus points for travel purchases or cash-back on grocery spending.

On Monday, the NRA questioned the purpose of the new code and the motives for creating it. 

"The ISO's decision to create a firearm specific code is nothing more than a capitulation to anti-gun politicians and activists bent on eroding the rights of law-abiding Americans one transaction at a time," NRA spokesman Lars Dalseide said in an email to CBS MoneyWatch. "This is not about tracking or prevention or any virtuous motivation — it's about creating a national registry of gun owners."

Visa, Mastercard and American Express all said they plan to move forward with the plan to categorize gun shop sales.

This looks to be a long battle. In the meantime, if one is to make a purchase at a gun shop, just use cash. It is legal to buy guns with cash.

To read the full article, go here

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