Monday, September 12, 2022

Return To Big Ass Burgers

Above, Big Ass Burgers in Thoreau, New Mexico. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Late this afternoon, I headed to Thoreau, New Mexico (15 miles) to pick up some groceries. 

After doing so, I glanced at Big Ass Burgers across the street. Since the last time I had a hamburger was on June 13, I decided to head over got get their 1/4 pound cheeseburger combo (with drink and curly fries). It is combo number 2 on their menu.

I put on the BBC News and proceeded to consume the meal. As was the case last June, the burger was excellent. As I said back in June, their burgers are almost as good as In-N-Out Burger in California.

The place doesn't look like much, but they do have excellent food. One orders inside and then they deliver the order to their vehicle. And, the prices are reasonable.  

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