Sunday, September 4, 2022

Roadblocks To RVing

Above, The Beast at the Ouray, Colorado KOA Kampground last week. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Now that gasoline prices have tapered off a bit (it is currently $3.599 in the Gallup area), I have been able to use my motorhome lately.

I still had to change plans on where I wanted to go to this summer. I originally planned to go to eastern Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota. But I ended up going to Durango and Navajo Lake State Park, places much closer to home. I also took a second trip, a 3-day trip to Ouray and Ridgway, Colorado.

There are some who own RVs and haven't been able to do even those kinds of trips. RV Travel posted an article on what are the roadblocks to RVing.

They begin with:

When you think about roadblocks you probably envision the highway division’s series of cones, giant barrels, or wooden barricades. These are, of course, physical roadblocks. But what I’m talking about are the “roadblocks” to RVing, the things that keep RV owners from using their rigs more often.

An RVer’s dream

Prior to owning an RV, I dreamed of taking it out every weekend. We’d stay at local parks, maybe try boondocking, and take several longer excursions each year. In my dreams I envisioned an RV constantly on the move—exploring, sightseeing, and taking us to parts unknown.

The reality of owning an RV

We used our RV constantly during the first three years of ownership. Back then, we were involved with a faith-based group that worked to build churches and schools, as well as make improvements to youth camps. We practically lived full-time in our rig and absolutely loved it!

Then COVID hit and everything came to a whiplashing stop. Our RV went into storage, and we returned to life as it had been “pre-RV.” Since the pandemic ended, we’ve taken our rig out only occasionally. Yes, we still go to Florida for the winter months, but that leaves nine other months when we could be traveling, meeting new people, and seeing new places. So, what’s keeping us from RVing more? What are our roadblocks to RVing?

To read more, go here

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