Tuesday, November 8, 2022

I Voted!

Above, yours truly after voting.

A little while ago, I did my patriotic civic duty and voted. Our community votes at the Whispering Cedars Fire Station.

I was voter 29 according to the machine (hope it ain't a Dominion). There were seven other voters who came in behind me. While there I introduced myself to the father-in-law of one of my friends here.

It was an easy process to vote. It was a good thing I typed in the name of a write-in candidate (for Public Lands Commissioner) in my phone so I could write him in. I couldn't remember his name (CRS again).

Above, the Whispering Cedars Fire Station. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After voting, I was given a small Cinnabon cinnamon roll as I left the polling place. 

Now to sit back and wait for the polls to close and see the results tonight. 🤞

NOTE: An interesting aside. Before going into the fire station to vote, several neighbors and I were talking and one had a rain gauge at her home and she kept a record of its readings. She said the rain total we got this year was 21 inches.

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