Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Red Wave Turned Out To Be A Red Trickle

Above, new Cibola County Magistrate Judge Tony Mace and yours truly. Photo by Nandoh Munoz.

Last night's midterm elections just proved once again that "stupid people should not be allowed to vote." Maybe they just want their "free stuff" and don't care that the country is being destroyed. The question has been raised, "If you wanted to destroy America, what things would you do differently than that the Democrats have been doing?" The likely answer has been, "Probably nothing."

This has to be the What The F*ck? election.

What was expected to be a Republican "red wave" turned out to be a "red trickle", if even that. New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham successfully fought off Mark Ronchetti to win reelection. It is a dead heat in the race between Rep. Yvette Herrell and Gabe Vasquez in a gerrymandered district is downright sad. She has been a good member of congress and doesn't deserve this. 

I could go into the national races in other states, but I don't wish to be aggravated. But I'll just say something on two. Arizona, once "Goldwater Country", appears to be a basket case now. I don't think even Barry Goldwater could win there these days. California got what it deserves, it reelected Gov. Gavin Newsom, a total leftist lunatic. Glad I got out of there. We'll likely see the exodus out of Commiefornia increase.

At least John Block won his New Mexico House race. (Congratulations, John!) Cibola County has a new Magistrate Judge, Tony Mace. He won easily as he was unopposed. Although a Democrat, Mace was a good sheriff and will make a good judge. 

The GOP should have done much better. I don't know if people hadn't been paying attention to what's been going on during the past two years or their ideology has totally blinded them to reality. Or maybe they are just happy with chaos. 

One must shake their head over the results and say, "Crazy! Just crazy!" 

For another view on last night, go here.

1 comment:

  1. They say people get the government they deserve. What can you say of an electorate that would send John Fetterman to the U.S. Senate? I understand it was mostly young people that made the difference, that is, people with poor education and no life experience who are proficient in video gaming and sponging off their parents. Fortunately, they are also the ones that will have to live in the world created by Biden and Fetterman and Maxine Waters, etc., and I'll be (happily) dead and gone.
