Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Republican Party of New Mexico Organizational Meeting

Last evening, I received the following email from the Republican Party of New Mexico.

Dear Friends,

The following are helpful details regarding the Biennial Organizational Meeting next month and "Save the Date" information:

Biennial Organizational Meeting of the State Central Committee 
“Save the Date”
December 3, 2022
New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum
4100 Dripping Springs Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 88011

Even though Las Cruces is over 300 miles away, I am considering attending. I have been to Las Cruces once, which was for the Southern New Mexico State Fair last year. The party will be electing new officers to run the party machinery. 

I used to regularly attend the California Republican Party's state conventions, often as a voting delegate. The conventions that held elections of new officers were held in Sacramento. Driving down to Las Cruces would be about the same driving distance as Los Angeles to Sacramento. 

The California State Central Committee Conventions ran for three days. The New Mexico one appears to be a one-day affair. As such, this is probably why they call it a "meeting" instead of a convention.

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