Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Trump Running In 2024...But

Above, President Trump at the Albuquerque Sunport.

Former President Trump is running for president in 2024.

Although he made his formal announcement yesterday, this really comes as no surprise. If he gets the GOP nomination and wins, he will be the second president after Grover Cleveland to not serve two consecutive terms of office. 

At present, I am just going to take a wait-and-see attitude. I am also leaning towards Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, should he decide to throw his hat into the ring.

After the midterm elections, things are a bit topsy-turvy right now. A lot of election results make no sense. The Republican Party needs to see what went wrong and make corrections during the next two years. It appears at this point that the Republican Party will be in control of the House of Representatives with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, replacing Nancy Pelosi.

One thing is for certain, the financial markets should be happier now that we have a divided government. 

Things are going to be mighty interesting over the next two years. 

1 comment:

  1. Trump would also be the first person since FDR to win three presidential elections in a row. Oh, and DeSantis should just endorse Trump right now. The only chance for the Repubs to win the presidency in 2024 is to coalesce around Trump, support him 100%, and find a way to stop the Dems from cheating. If Trump is denied the nomination, then MILLIONS of his supporters will simply not vote. Were I an American, I would be one of them.
