Sunday, December 11, 2022

7 Places To Visit In Roswell, New Mexico

Above, the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Four years ago, my ex-roommate Jessica and I took a trip down to Roswell, New Mexico for its annual UFO Festival celebrating the July 1947 crash of a flying saucer that the government says was a weather balloon. 

We had a good time down in Roswell while attending the festival and visiting the International UFO Museum and Research Center. 

But there are other things to see in Roswell and Nomad Lawyer has listed seven of them.

They begin with:

Located in southeast New Mexico, Roswell is the home of the 1947 UFO crash. While the government claims that the crash was a weather balloon, many believe that it was an alien. The mystery that surrounds the crash has made Roswell a popular tourist destination.

There are several museums in Roswell that deal with the UFO topic. One of the top attractions is the International UFO Museum and Research Center. The museum explores alleged UFO incidents and has display panels and a library.

There are also several roadside attractions in Roswell. These include the Outlaw Alien Bike Shop and the Alien Zone. The town is also home to the Roswell Community Little Theatre, which offers a variety of opportunities for youth.

To read more, go here

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