Sunday, December 11, 2022

FBI Memo On Roswell Incident

Above, an alien display at the Roswell International UFO Museum. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last April, a FBI memo surfaced and was posted on the radio station WBZ Newsradio website.

It was about three flying saucers (UFOs) that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. The memo is dated March 22, 1950, almost three years after the Roswell Incident.

Here's the memo:

According to WBZ Newsradio:

In 1947, something crashed outside of Roswell, New Mexico and was brought to Roswell Army Air Field by Army officers. Since then, there has been many a discussion about what exactly the object was. That's because soon after the incident, the Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release announcing that they had recovered a "flying disc." The Army was quick to retract that and say it was actually just a weather balloon. Then, in the '70s, a retired Army officer who retrieved pieces from the crash came out to say he believed it was extraterrestrial.

The conspiracies continued and in 1994, the Air Force published a report calling the object that crashed a nuclear test surveillance balloon, and any "alien bodies" were just test dummies dropped from a high altitude. Rather than stopping all the talk about it being a UFO, that only added fuel to the fire.

Now, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a very interesting document has come to light. It is currently in the FBI's Vault, which contains thousands of records released via FOIA that have been scanned and uploaded. The Roswell document is a 1950 internal memo to J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI, from the head of the Washington, D.C. field office. The subject of the memo is "Flying Saucers" and it describes how an Air Force investigator reported that three flying saucers were recovered in New Mexico.

The article goes on to discuss the FBI's explanation of the memo:

The memo is pretty shocking, but the FBI stepped in to explain why it shouldn't be. They pointed out that the memo is actually just a second-hand account of what might have happened, one the Bureau never investigated. They also said that because the document was dated 1950, three years after the Roswell Incident, it might not even be referring to what occurred in Roswell. They went on to state that the document has been around for years and just because it has appeared on the FBI's Vault site doesn't mean it is earth-shattering.

Yeah, right.

Considering that the FBI's credibility is currently in tatters over the Russian collusion hoax and its involvement in the 2020 election, I wouldn't believe a word they say today.

To read more, go here

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