Saturday, December 24, 2022

Dire Warning On Pension Crisis

Above, 2022 silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My decision to buy silver was based on the high inflation rate (Bidenflation, if you will) that's eating away the dollar's purchasing power.

Precious metals (such as gold and silver) have been stable and even risen in value. The current silver spot price (according to SD Bullion) is $23.93/ounce.

One investing expert has issued a dire warning about the "current pension crisis".

From Yahoo Finance:

Between the plunging markets and soaring inflation, 2022 wasn’t an easy year for retirees — or those nearing retirement. But according to Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki, this demographic could be facing another crisis.

Kiyosaki compared U.S. pensions to a bubble waiting to burst, calling them the “next global Lehman,” referring to the downfall of investment bank Lehman Brothers.

Lehman Brothers had assets of $691 billion when it filed for bankruptcy in September 2008, marking the largest corporate bankruptcy in U.S. history. And currently, U.S. state and local pension plans face an estimated $1.4 trillion shortfall.

So what should investors do in the face of an upcoming retirement crisis?

“People who own gold, silver, Bitcoin will get richer when Fed, Treasury, Wall Street pivot [and] print trillions of fake dollars,” Kiyosaki says.

“Fake money savers will be biggest losers. Don’t be a loser.”

Let’s take a closer look at these suggestions — and why you might want to take them seriously. 

Gold and silver

Precious metals — particularly gold and silver — have been a popular hedge against inflation and uncertainty. They can’t be printed out of thin air like fiat money and their value is largely unaffected by economic events around the world.

Kiyosaki has long been a fan of gold — he first purchased the yellow metal in 1972.

“I’m not buying gold because I like gold, I’m buying gold because I don’t trust the Fed,” he said in an interview last year.

Kiyosaki likes silver, too. In fact, he recently tweeted “Silver best investment in Oct 2022” and “Everyone can afford $20 silver.”

To be sure, precious metals aren’t shooting through the roof. But they’ve demonstrated their resilience in this broad market selloff: the price of gold is down about 2% in 2022, while silver is up 1.2%.

While there are many ways to gain exposure to gold and silver, Kiyosaki prefers to just buy the metal directly. Earlier this year, he tweeted that he only wants “real gold or silver coins” and not ETFs.

The author also called silver “a bargain” recently. So it might be time to visit your local bullion shop.

To read more, go here.

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