Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Above, one of the more elaborate Christmas resident displays. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Merry Christmas from Lake Havasu, Arizona!

Last night, we had a Christmas Eve party at Mitch and Holly Geriminsky's with three different stews/soups instead of the usual (and boring) turkey dinner. Each were quite good and everyone was filled up.

Above, another resident's yard display. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We also had a Christmas gift exchange game which was fun. I received a set of jumper cables that will go into the Jeep when I get home.

As Christmas Eve was also Egg Nog Day, Mitch and I celebrated with egg nogs and brandy.

Above, celebrating Egg Nog Day with Daisy and Mandy. Photo by Holly Geriminsky.

After dinner, to took a ride in Mitch's golf cart around the neighborhood near the Lake Havasu Golf Club. 

Below is my Christmas gift to Mitch and Holly, a yard gnome with a LED lantern:

One resident has a nice T-rex metal sculpture in their yard. I'm guessing it is about 10' tall:

Above, yesterday started with breakfast at Sam's Place.

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