Thursday, January 26, 2023

Gas Prices: $4 By April

Above, today's gas prices at the local Flying J.

Rising gas prices is being blamed on "mild weather" (sure as heck not here) and higher demand.

But there are other reasons and prices could go even higher by April. That's just lovely, since I have a clampout in Tombstone, Arizona in April.

Here's what Yahoo! Finance is saying:

Get ready for gas prices to rise again going into spring. A gallon of driving fuel could go back above $4, according to GasBuddy petroleum analyst Patrick De Haan.

"It's a question of when, not if. I think something like that could happen by potentially April, maybe sooner," said De Haan.

"I think motorists are going to start getting squeezed more so in late February. The next three weeks could be a bit of a mixed bag," he said.

De Haan points to planned breaks in production at refineries as part of the reason for a rise in prices. 

One good thing about the recent snowstorms, I haven't been out driving much, thereby saving gasoline.

To read more, go here

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