Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Sudden Death "Mystery"

Above, Lionel Atwill and Basil Rathbone in Son of Frankenstein. Universal Pictures.

Recent sudden deaths of athletes of different ages, celebrities, politicians and others have become news fodder. This is beginning to bother people to an extent that news organizations are looking into it with some degree of hysteria.

Some people are trying to link these sudden deaths to COVID vaccines.

Recently, some physicians were asked recently on what they see in all of this.

From CNA Lifestyle:

Over the years, you might recall reading about active individuals – age notwithstanding – dying suddenly for seemingly no apparent reason.

The passing of Creative Technology founder and CEO Sim Wong Hoo at the age of 67 would be the most recent incident that comes to mind. While no cause of death has been revealed officially, friends who attended the tech pioneer’s wake said they were “shocked” as he ran marathons and had appeared to be in good health. The family has declined to speak to the media.

What is the likely cause (or causes) of a sudden death that afflict fitness-conscious individuals? Are there warning signs that could save lives if these had been heeded? CNA Lifestyle asked some doctors for their views.

To read more, go here

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