Tuesday, January 24, 2023

"Invaders From Mars" (1953) Blu-Ray Home At Last

Above, after opening the package. 

Finally, I was able to get my Blue-ray of Invaders From Mars (1953) from the post office.

Either it snowed too much to risk the drive to the post office or the post office clerk didn't show up for work. 

The clerk has been terminated for too many "no shows".

Today, I was able to pick up the package and will watch the movie tonight during dinnertime. I think the last time I saw the movie was back in the early 1990s while I was working the graveyard shift at Indian Springs (formerly where the Iverson Movie Ranch was located). 

The movie scared the bejeezus me when I was a kid. When I saw it 30-something years ago, I laughed as the Martian costumes had visible back zippers showing. Now, with this Blu-ray and the new restoration, we can see the zippers a lot better.

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