Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Icy Drive

It will be nice when the roads in our subdivision thaw out. Despite several days since the last snow, it has been too cold for the roads to thaw out.

I had to go a mile up the hill to the Lucier's to drop off some items to Larry Lucier. The roads up there were more icy than the ones in my vicinity. They are about 200 feet higher than I am.

On the way back, I cut across from Birch Road to Whispering Cedars Road on Hemlock Road. I took the photo below that shows how ice the roads here are. It is a good thing the Mustang has a manual transmission, I was able to drive in low gear with ease.

We were lucky that the storm that came into the state last evening by-passed us.

Above, eastbound on Hemlock Road. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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