Wednesday, January 25, 2023

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association Newsletter


One week into the 2023 legislative session, and it's in full swing already. Today in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, HB9 passed on a party-line vote of 4-2.The next stop for the bill is the House Judiciary Committee. We will let you know when the bill is scheduled for that committee.

We have two more bills that we are watching. SB171 from Senator Soules would make it a felony to own certain semiautomatic handguns, certain types of ammunition, NFA firearms, and suppressors in New Mexico. While we are used to dealing with a large number of bad bills each session, the severity of the bills introduced has far surpassed anything we have seen before.

A Constitutional Carry bill, HB164, was introduced today by Representatives Block, Moya, Duncan, Mason, and Lord. The bill would allow you to carry a concealed firearm without a permit in New Mexico. It has long been our position to support Constitutional Carry, and we thank the sponsors for brining the bill forward.

We will send an update whenever the bills we are watching come up for a vote in a committee or the floor. We need everyone to get involved if we are going to stop this deluge of bad legislation.

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