Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Watched "Invaders From Mars" (1953)

Above, this shot of Bob Shayne was taken from my television screen with my camera. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This evening, I watched the restored Invaders From Mars (1953) from Ignite Films on Blu-ray.

The movie scared the bejeezus out of me when I was a kid. Now I just laugh at how cheesy it is. Still, it was entertaining.

I can look past the mutants's back zippers on their costumes (there was even a fat one) and the stock footage of tanks to pad the running time.

The movie looked great. They did a great job in its restoration. The extras also made buying the Blu-ray worthwhile. They include observatory scenes shot about a year later for European audiences and an alternate ending. Also included is an interview with actor Jimmy Hunt. There were other extras. 

Although low budget, the movie had a German expressionism look by director William Cameron Menzies.

I spotted three actors of the Adventures of Superman television show. Robert Shayne, John Eldridge and Janine Perreau. Barbara Billingsley of Leave It To Beaver was also in it as a secretary.

Interestingly, in the underground passageways, there are round balloon-like things on the walls. Those turned out to be hundreds of condoms bought at a drug store,. It was said that the druggist mused that "someone is going to have a great night" or something to that effect.

The Blu-ray was a bit pricey at $45, but it was worth the cost. If you like 1950s flying saucer science-fiction movies, you'll have fun watching this one.

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