Friday, February 17, 2023

California Loses Half Million Residents In Two Years

Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Democrat Party in California should be named salespersons of the year for U-Haul.

The once "Golden State" lost 500,000 residents during the past two years. 

From Fox 11 Los Angeles

California's population fell by 500,000 people between April 2020 and July 2022 as residents fled the state in droves to find greener pastures.

Census data showed migration out of the state surpassed those coming into the state by more than 700,000 throughout the two-year period, according to the Los Angeles Times. California's major cities have been plagued with homelessness, crime and skyrocketing housing costs, causing many residents to flee to nearby states like Utah, Nevada and even Texas.

Despite the shrinkage, California remains the most populated U.S. state with some 38 million residents.

Californians who remain in the state are also likely to face frequent power outages and failures in the coming years as state leaders continue to push for renewable energy.

You can also add that people who are leaving are fed up with the radical left-wing politics of the Democrats who have a stranglehold on the state's government. It is a one-party state.

To read more, go here.

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