Friday, February 17, 2023

Balloonacy: Biden Declares War On Science Projects

If this is true, it appears that His Fraudulency Joe Biden has declared war against science projects of hobby clubs.

Besides that, it looks like the whole incident was not exactly cost-effective.

From Fox News:

Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter Thursday to criticize President Joe Biden for ordering an F-22 fighter jet to shoot down what may have been a hobby club’s science project off the coast of Alaska earlier last week.

Cruz, R-Texas, joked that Biden’s decision to authorize the $200 million fighter jet to use a $400,000 missile to shoot down what may have been a $12 balloon serves as a "powerful deterrence" to high school students interested in creating their own at-home science balloons.

The comment came after the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade’s (NIBBB), an Illinois-based hobbyist club, said their pico balloon that was floating off the west coast of Alaska went missing the same day a Lockheed Martin jet shot down an unidentified object matching its description.

What's next? Shooting down model rockets?

To read more, go here

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