Wednesday, February 1, 2023

New Mexico's Legislative Democrat Sh*t Show

Above, New Mexico Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties in green.

The 2023 New Mexico legislative session is really turning into a Democrat sh*t show. So far.

Far left Democrats are passing anti-Second Amendment bills in their controlled committees while tabling Republican-sponsored anti-crime bills without the benefit of hearing the merits or discussion. Those bills would be far more effective in battling crime. But they aren't interested in that, they are only hell-bent on letting felons get off Scott-free, while at the same time, turning responsible gun owners into felons. 

From the Republican Party of New Mexico:

House Republicans put out a statement saying, "The Democrat lawmakers persistently moved to “table” (or blocked) every Republican crime bill, sometimes before any lawmaker or member of the public had a chance to digest the legislation, ask questions, or make comment on the proposed legislation.

Rep. John Block:

Dems just killed a bunch of bills in House Consumer and Public Affairs to stop the crime/fentanyl problem seemingly just because they were sponsored by a Republican. Criminals are laughing at us.

Remember, over half of New Mexico counties have declared themselves a "Sanctuary County" against Democrat sh*t show anti-Second Amendment laws. 

This is a clear example that stupid people should not be allowed to vote. They are trying to turn New Mexico into a one-party state like Commiefornia. 

They are flooding this session with a slew of bad bills. Go here to see how bad things are.

Lunatic voters elected these idiots. 

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