Thursday, February 16, 2023

Snow Shoveling Just In Time

Above, after today's shoveling. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For the third time in two days, I had to do some snow-shoveling of the walkways.

After I shoveled the first time yesterday, more snow fell in the late afternoon/early evening. I had to shovel it before it turned to ice. I fell over a week ago by slipping on a thin layer of black ice between the house and the garage. I didn't want a repeat performance, so I shoveled it again.

Apparently, more snow fell and the walkways needed shoveling again. The snow is sticking, aided by a current 25° temperature.

I was expecting two deliveries today, so I shoveled the walkways again today. I apparently did so just in time as the packages were delivered within 45 minutes after I was done. 

Such is life out in the country during winter.

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