Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Maryland Democrats: End Felony Murder Charges For Persons Under 25

The Looney Left Report

First, they appoint radical leftist judges. Then they try to defund law enforcement. Then they don't prosecute misdemeanors. They practice "catch & release" of criminals. And, they oppose capital punishment.

Despite the aforementioned, the Democrats hate being called "soft on crime". Yet they keep doing things that further perpetuates that accurate image.

The latest is from The Gateway Pundit:

Democratic lawmakers in Maryland are attempting to pass a bill to prevent criminals under 25 from being convicted of felony murder.

In the state of Maryland, “Felony murder occurs when someone is killed while a felony crime, like robbery, is being committed.’

House Bill 1180 , also called the Youth Accountability and Safety Act, would ultimately prevent anyone under 25 from being charged with felony murder.

To read more, go here

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