Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Rep. John Block Tweets About Democrats In The Legislature

Above, Rep. John Block.

Rep. John Bloc (R), District: 51, Otero County, posted some interesting tweets on Twitter about actions the Democrats took in this year's legislative session and my comments.

Here's two from today:

Why can’t they just be reasonable? Yesterday, Democrats passed a bill to put feminine hygiene products in boys’ public school bathrooms. Why not just in girls’ bathrooms? Because that would make too much sense! They ruined a good idea with nonsensical wokeness. Beyond words.

Given the crime situation in Albuquerque and other areas, maybe they feel that since tampons do come in handy to stop bleeding from bullet wounds, the boys can have access to them for this purpose?

Dems just killed my amendment to protect girls from having men in their locker rooms. Disgusting.

What do you expect from a party that is inhabited by insane people? 

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