Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Coronation and "Gushy Americans"

Above, 2023 silver Britannia coins. No endorsement of King Charles III is implied. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It boggles the mind to see some Americans get all excited and gushy over the upcoming coronation of King Charles III. 

Sure, it is an historical event for the United Kingdom. I can understand people wanting to see the pomp and ceremony take place, only as casual spectators on "this side of the pond." But to get all excited and, in some cases, "gushy" over it, is ridiculous to me. One friend set up British flags in his yard to celebrate the coronation. Huh?

The matter over "the Colonies" and the English monarchy was settled nearly 250 years ago in 1776. So what's the big deal (as far as Americans are concerned)? 

Frankly, I find the King to be someone of questionable character, considering he cheated on his wife, Princess Diana. The Royal Family has been dysfunctional for years with the current saga of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle making practically daily headlines. We also have Prince Andrew's involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. The only Royal who seems to be a decent sort is heir-apparent Prince William. 

A Canadian friend was perplexed over why I would buy silver Britannia coins featuring the image of King Charles III as he also finds him to be unsavory, referring to him a "globalist ass" as well as an adulterer (some folks do have standards). I couldn't care less about the King, but bought the coins as an investment since they are the first coins with his image and the first year of his reign. This would likely affect their future value. (I also bought some featuring the late Queen Elizabeth II.) Besides, the price was right. Buying them is not an endorsement of the King.

This wasn't the first time Americans gushed over the Royals in my lifetime. I remember many Americans gushing over the wedding of Charles and Diana, as if it were the second coming of Christ. My supervisor at the time asked me to videotape the wedding, which I did. Since the wedding took place while we were asleep, all I had to do was set the timer and pop in a blank tape. I didn't have to watch it.

I guess the coronation will please some dullards here. Considering what a moron we have in the White House, this may be somewhat understandable. 

To each their own.

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