Saturday, April 29, 2023

Yard Work

Above, Barking Spider Acre after finishing mowing. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

With today's temperatures in the 70s (it is forecast to hit 81° tomorrow), I decided to break out the mower and mow Barking Spider Acre.

The shrubs and grass were starting to get taller from all of the snow and rain we received during the monsoon season and winter snows. I was going to wait another week or two, but I decided to get on it today.

It was a nice day to ride the mower. After I was done, I chatted with my neighbor Mike for awhile. 

After that, I settled on the deck with some Alien Amber Ale. All in all, a good day.

UPDATE (4:30/23):

The temperature forecast has been revised down to 78°.

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