Monday, June 26, 2023

90° and Gnats

Above, McGaffey Lake had plenty of gnats to eat people alive. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It's a good thing I stayed indoors today. I heard that the gnats subsided over the weekend, but I received two reports today that they are still swarming around the area.

One friend said they were bad a mile up the hill from me and another friend, who was in McGaffey exercising his dogs, said they were "eating me alive."

I only went out to go to the post office, turn on the swamp cooler's water and to take the trash can out to the street. I think I came out unscathed.

Usually, gnat season lasts about 2-3 weeks here. 

Also, it was at or near 90° outside today. That was an additional reason for staying indoors.

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