Monday, June 26, 2023

G-FAN #140

Since I have been holed up due to our season of biting gnats (it seems to be subsiding), seeing G-FAN (issue #140) arrive in today's mail was a welcome sight. Now I have something new to read.

First, the cover by Chris Scalf is quite beautiful. It reminds me of a Godzilla cover in Famous Monsters of Filmland of decades ago. It portrays an imaginary battle between Godzilla and Gorgo (or is it Gorgo's mother?).

Inside, there is an article with a comparison of the abilities of Godzilla and Gorgo by Allen Debus and the likelihood of a battle between the two, if one should ever take place. 

This issue is the final issue just before next month's G-FEST. I would be going except my ex-roommate is coming over for a two-week visit and the dates weren't firmed up until last week. She's coming in August. It is probably too late to get a hotel room or airfare at reasonable rates now, so I'll have to put it off to next year.

Above, Yokosuka's Godzilla slide. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My contribution to the issue is a look back (2014, to be exact) at my visit to the Kurihama Flower World in Yokosuka, Japan to see the famous Godzilla slide (page 52). (The Monster Movie Fan's Guide to Japan provides directions on getting there.)

For more information on G-FAN and G-FEST, go here.

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