Friday, July 28, 2023

Crater Lake Fire Ban Starts Today

Above, Wizard Island is barely visible in the smoky haze in 2017. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Back in 2017, I visited Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. It was fun visiting the park after fifty or so years.

The only thing that marred the visit was smoke from wildfires in the surrounding area. The fires didn't hamper my visit, but they made picture-taking of the lake smoky.

Since fire danger is increasing in the area, there is a ban (in force starting today) on open fires.

The Herald and News reported yesterday:

A ban on wood and charcoal fires, fireworks and smoking goes into effect Friday at Crater Lake National Park.

Park officials said that with the increase in fire danger in southern Oregon, the park will go into a full fire ban. According to Fire Management Officer Phil Heitzke, “The outlook is for above normal significant wildland fire potential for the next several months, To ensure public safety and to provide the highest degree of protection to park resources, the following fire ban will be implemented effective at 12:01 a.m. Friday.”

Under the restrictions, wood fires and charcoal fires are not allowed. Liquid fuel and propane camp stoves and gas grills are permitted in campgrounds, picnic areas, backcountry areas and residential areas.

To read more, go here

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