Thursday, July 27, 2023

Headed To G-FEST Next Year

Above, yours truly at the 2019 G-FEST with Jessica Tseang. Photo by Steve Ryfle.

Well, I booked my room for next year's G-FEST in the Chicago area.

It is set for next July 12-14, 2024, but considering the large attendance expected, it would be prudent to book the room now (the G-FEST hotel has opened room booking. So I did. It is at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont, Illinois, which is a new hotel for the convention. 

I attended the 2019 G-FEST at the old hotel, the Crowne Plaza, which the convention outgrew. I am looking forward to the new convention digs.

It will be nice seeing everyone again after five years.

For more information on G-FEST, go here.

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