Friday, July 28, 2023

Family Visit

My cousin Maria and her husband Fred are on the way to Tennessee to visit their daughters and grandkids. They stayed at the Albuquerque KOA last night.

Before reaching the KOA, they stopped at the Jamestown, New Mexico Flying J and we had a meal at Denny's there. To them, it was lunch. To me, it was dinner.

I introduced them to Russell Azbill at Denny's. He was there dining when we arrived.

We had a nice reunion and caught up with family and other things. While we were there, we saw a few lightning flashes to the south and we got a few sprinkles. 

Of course, we had our usual photo taken. We do this whenever they stop by.

Contrary to what the photo shows, nothing was growing out of Fred's head. 

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