Friday, July 28, 2023

New Chaise Lounge For The Deck

Above, the new chaise lounge. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday, the new chaise lounge for the deck arrived via Federal Express.

The one I bought three years ago got too weather-beatened. The fabric on it was so rotted, I almost fell through (when I sat on it) to the deck if it weren't for a couple of cross bars.

The new one has fabric that almost matches the fabric of my deck chairs. The fabric on the chairs are in good shape still, even after five years.

Above, yours truly enjoying the new chaise lounge and coffee.

I was expecting to assemble the lounge, but it arrived fully assembled, which is a rarity these days. It seems that everything one mail-orders has to be assembled in some fashion.

Anyway, I put it out on the deck and tried it out. I am very pleased with it.

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