Sunday, July 16, 2023

"Man of Steel" (2013)

When Man of Steel came out in 2013, I heard so many complaints about it (the Superman costume was one of them, but it was the least of the issues) that I didn't bother to go see it.

However, since we have been in the midst of a heat wave, I decided to buy it on Blu-ray along with Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). It was the "ultimate edition". I saw Batman vs. Superman when it came out and enjoyed it even though it also had some things longtime Superman and Batman fans did quibble about. More on that movie in another blog post.

On Man of Steel, it was an interesting re-telling of the Superman mythos. 

According to Wikipedia:

With the imminent destruction of Krypton, their home planet, Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and his wife seek to preserve their race by sending their infant son to Earth. The child's spacecraft lands at the farm of Jonathan (Kevin Costner) and Martha (Diane Lane) Kent, who name him Clark and raise him as their own son. Though his extraordinary abilities have led to the adult Clark (Henry Cavill) living on the fringe of society, he finds he must become a hero to save those he loves from a dire threat.

It was the above, but it was primarily Superman vs. General Zod. The fights between the two seemed overly long, but at least it was not a silly cartoon as Superman: The Movie (1978) was. There was very little humor in it and played with deadly seriousness. I like Henry Cavill's Superman/Clark Kent much more than the late Christopher Reeve's. Reeve's Superman was okay, but his Clark Kent was too buffoonish. Cavill's Superman/Clark Kent were more like George Reeves during the Adventures of Superman 1951 season.

The special effects were far superior than in Superman: The Movie

As things turned out, the Superman costume didn't bother me as much as thought it would, although the cape was too long and dragged on the ground. Long capes may work for Batman, but not Superman.

All in all, Man of Steel was a more satisfying movie than the 1978 Superman: The Movie.

I give the movie an A. 

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