Sunday, July 16, 2023

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (Ultimate Edition)

When Batman V Superman: The Dawn of Justice (2016) came out, I posted a review of it and gave it a "B" grade. 

I bought the "ultimate edition" on Blu-ray as we are in a heat wave and needed something to watch while indoors. I also bought Man of Steel, which I had never seen. The Blu-ray has the extended version along with the theatrical version.

My opinion on Batman V Superman has risen a bit. I'll give it an "A-" now. That's for the theatrical version. 

However, the much longer (30 minutes longer) ultimate edition did not help the movie in my eyes. It muddled things more. I kept wondering, "What's the point?" I had forgotten that Jimmy Olsen was shot in the head and killed in Africa by terrorists. That was a dumb move. So much for "Superman's pal" in this DC movie universe. 

To date, I think I liked Justice League (2017) of the current crop of DC Comics movies the most. It's funny I haven't posted a review of it. I have the theatrical version. Maybe I'll get around to it eventually. 

For future viewings, I'll stick with the theatrical version.

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